7 miles…


Mile 1:  Ok…I can do this.  It’s just a 10K plus a little more.  No problem!  Let’s not get crazy though…we got a long way to go! (11:27)

Mile 2:  This is easy!  My breathing is in check, my legs feel great.  I’ve got this! (11:00)

Mile 3:  Check this out!  I just took my first walk break.  If I keep this up I might beat my 10K pace! (11:22)

Mile 4:  Maybe an out and back wasn’t the best idea…I’ve seen all this stuff before. (11:27)

Mile 5:  Not so easy anymore.  Where is that easy pace I was feeling just a few miles ago?  I gotta get that back! (11:54)

MIle 6:  Walking is so much easier than running.  Running is stupid!  I should just stop my Garmin right now.  I’ll never make it to 7 miles… (13:20)

Mile 7:  You’re going to finish this…no matter what!  Just run as hard as you can for as far as you can.  Walk if you must…but you are going to FINISH!! (11:27)

I did it…I finished my longest run to date.  7 miles was daunting for me to run on my own without the motivation of a race.  I knew it would just be me out there with my thoughts.  I totally get how running is such a mental game!  You can tell by my mileage splits where I completely thought about giving up.

After it was all said and done, a sweet friend on Instagram reminded me that I ran half of a half marathon (or a quarter marathon depending on how you look at it).  That’s nothing to sneeze at.

 2015-01-19 10.42.50

I guess half marathon training is officially underway.  It’s such a confidence boost to know I can run these long distances months ago I would have thought impossible.  Running is the best!!


Running Wish List

I had a pretty good two miler this morning in anticipation of trying for five miles tomorrow!  This month I’ve really been able to get into a good routine with my running, getting out there at least three, sometimes four days per week.

With this increase in running activity, I started thinking and rethinking what my ultimate wishes are with races and my running in general.

Presenting…Anna’s Running Wish List!  (cue inspirational music)

*Make 3 & 4 mile runs my normal runs, instead of 2-2.5 miles.  I know this will take some conditioning but I feel like I’m on my way!

*Complete a 10K.  After the semi-disaster that was Beat the Blerch, I found another 10K race (IRL…not virtual!) to participate in this November.  It’s two weeks after my Run, Walk, & Roll for Veterans 5K.  I think I’ll definitely be ready!


*Lower my average 5K time…like, a lot!  My ultimate wish is to run a 5K in under 30 minutes.  Until I figure out how to get my speed up…that seems like a pipe dream right now.

2014-09-26 15.23.20

*Complete a half marathon.  Originally I had my sights set on the Tobacco Road Half Marathon in March 2015.  I just don’t think I’ll be ready.  I’m thinking next fall will be my best bet.  There are a ton of great options around this area!

*Travel for a race.  Not a ridiculously far distance (like Hawaii) but maybe Charleston or DC area or something.  It would be a super fun experience I think.  I just have to talk my driver/cheerleader/husband into it!


There’s my little list.  It’s nice to see your dreams in writing.  It gives me accountability and motivation to put in the work to actually make these wishes a reality!

Happy Friday!

Happy Running!!

A Changing Vision (Board)

I’m a very visual person.  One of the first things I did when I set up my home office was buy some cork squares to create my vision/motivation board.  I wasn’t sure what was going to fill my board when I first started it.  Was it going to be full of quotes to inspire?  Pictures of running shoes?  Pictures of my favorite things?  How about all of the above!

The great thing about my vision board is that it is always evolving.  In the beginning you see a couple race bibs and a nod to my alma mater

2013-10-07 15.53.15

This past spring it was full of pretty pictures, strong words, and a photo challenge!

2014-03-03 12.31.34-1

Currently these pictures are on the bench-they may return to the board…they may not 🙂           (all pictures are saved in a large envelope-the pack rat in my can’t trash anything that motivated me at some point!)

2014-07-08 10.28.32
a great reminder!
2014-07-08 10.28.55

In their place I’m currently loving these images:

2014-07-08 13.03.24
The beginning of my spoon collection-Nassau
2014-07-08 10.30.32
One of the cutesy signs from our wedding!
2014-07-08 10.30.22
A great pic and quote about going with the flow

It’s interesting that as summer progresses I’m drawn more towards images and pictures of the beach & ocean along with quotes reflecting my (still) newlywed giddiness.  I’ve moved away from more fitness driven images.  It makes sense.  I’m not running as much right now.  I’m more enjoying the outdoors with my husband and doggie without the stress of a rigid workout.  I’m willing to bet that as the weather cools down in the fall there will be more race paraphanelia gracing my board along with more fitness driven quotes.

**Although, my race bibs and medals will always have a place somewhere on the board!

I love my board.  It is a reflection of what is important to me now…in this moment.  It shows what goals and interests I’m pursuing.  It changes just as I grow and evolve.  It’s one of my favorite things in my home office.

Do you have a vision board?  What important things are included??

Suffering from Runner’s Block?

It’s been a while since I’ve ran.  To be more specific, I haven’t run a single mile since the last week of April, the week before my wedding.  And…the funny thing is…I’m not that upset 😛  I know that sounds kinda goofy but I’m not.

It’s not that I’ve completely neglected my fitness or have mutated into a couch potato.  We got back from our honeymoon a week ago and I started a 30 Day at Home Crossfit Challenge on Tuesday.  It does include a bit of running.  I gotta run 1 mile for time tomorrow.  1 mile!!  I think I’ll be able to swing that but I’m just having trouble finding the motivation to run my usual 3-4 runs/week.

Check out the Challenge-So far it’s been pretty awesome!!



Where is my running mojo?  I might have left it on the boat lol.  Am I looking for it?  Yeah…I guess.  If I don’t find it right away, I’m not going to stress too much.  We’ve got a couple weekends full of travel coming up.  I don’t have any races (even virtual ones) on my schedule so there’s nothing really pushing me to get out and hit the pavement.


I may or may not be suffering from several of these!!


So, what’s a girl to do?

For one, I’m not going to push myself.  I’m going to continue to participate in my Crossfit Challenge but if I don’t want to run, I’m not going to make myself.

Secondly, I’m going to find a race I’m really excited about.  Maybe even another color run!  I know they’re not timed or anything but maybe just a fun, crazy jaunt with a couple other thousand people throwing colored powder at each other is what I need!

Third, I’m attending a free marathon training meeting at the end of this month.  It’s put on by a local running group and I’m really interested in seeing what this group is all about.  I’m seriously thinking about joining a group and think that running with others will motivate me to pursue some longer distance races!!


I’ll keep you guys posted on what happens at the meeting.  I hope my running mojo makes it’s way back to me.  In the mean time, maybe I’ll check out some new classes at my gym.  I’ll find some other ways to crosstrain.  But most of all, I’m gonna relax and not worry about it.  I’m sure I’ll find my way back.  Just another path along my fitness journey.

T-5 Days & a bit of Monday Motivation

Yeah…so…we’re within one week until D-Day aka Wedding Day and I think I’m finally getting a bit freaked out.  Not in a “I’m gonna bolt” kind of way, just a “wow, this is happening soon” way.  As a way to begin this wedding week I decided to swan dive into some Monday Motivation.  May these little tidbits of wisdom ease your stress and amp up your awesomeness!!

Today is YOUR day!


Be Positive!


Just change one thing today…see how far that can get you!


In honor of weddings and marriage and whatnot…


And, finally, appreciate the beautiful world you live in!


Have a great week everyone!!

What are you looking forward to this week?

What motivates you?

Picture sources:






Just checking in…

…and letting y’all know I got my 3+ miles in this morning!  I rowed 1000 meter as well and my back is feeling it!  I definitely had the though of bailing this morning (especially with sub-freezing temps outside!) but because I swore to the internet gods and this blog I would get my run in…I did!  Thanks for your support…whether intentional or not!  I’ve also already reached my Fitbit step goal for the day so that might mean it’s nap time lol.


Excuses are Easy


On my calendar, I have little orange and green circles around certain days.  The orange circles indicate that those are days I should be running.  The green circles indicate days I should be strength training.  Here we are halfway through April and I’m looking at my calendar for the 15th.  There are both a green AND orange circle gracing today’s date.  Have I run???  Nope.  Why not?  It’s raining out, I’m behind on my work for my part time gig, I have wedding details to finalize…and on and on.  Typing those excuses was as easy as when those thoughts first popped into my head today.  Confession:  I haven’t strength trained this entire month!!  I’ve kept up with my monthly shoulder and ab challenges but I have not busted my ass for a heart pounding circuit/boot camp session in April.  Le sigh…

What does this mean?  I could try and be eloquent and say it means that I’m human and life gets in the way.  But one thing I’ve learned over the past year or so is that excuses can be the death of a healthy lifestyle.  So…how do I combat those pesky excuses that invade my brain while I’m still comfy under the covers and sabotage my best fitness efforts?  First, you have to identify the problem(s).

Accountability-Sadly, this is one thing I’m currently lacking at the moment.  This goes back to a topic I’m probably going to explore more and more over the next couple of months…I need a workout buddy.  Or a group of people who are gonna get on my back for not doing what I need to be doing.  I’m still considering the marathon training group.  I also need to get over myself and start going to more group classes my gym offers.  They’re included in my monthly dues so why am I not taking advantage?  I’m a little scare…a little lazy…both, probably!

Lack of routine-Over the last few months a daily routine has not really existed for me.  I’m hoping that once the wedding is behind me and I’m in an office at least 3 days/week I can establish a set schedule when it comes to fitness.  Today, for example, I looked at that orange circle and mentally just moved it to tomorrow.  I can do that, and I’ll get my run in tomorrow.  But there’s something to be said for a routine and following through with your plan for the day.

I mentioned in a previous post that I was going to cut myself some slack this month due to the upcoming wedding.  What I’ve noticed though is that I’m giving myself more than slack.  I’m giving myself a way out of fitness at a time when I probably need it the most.  So…enough excuses!  Time for some accountability.  I’m gonna lean on you guys for a bit of that…you’re my witnesses!  I will run 3+ miles and get some time in on the rowing machine at my gym tomorrow.  If I don’t…come kick my butt!!


  • What are some of the excuses you’ve used before to skip/slack off on a workout?
  • How are you motivating yourself this month?

Challenge Completed…or is it??

Sorry about the silly post yesterday.  I was running short on time but figured everyone needed to know how awesome the Weasley Twins are.  Anyway, a new month is upon us and that means that all my March challenges are over! 😦  

So, how did I do?  I feel like I pushed myself pretty hard at the beginning of the month but then eased up A LOT towards the end.  Does that happen to anyone else?  You’re all gung-ho about something and then your enthusiasm and motivation just fizzle away.  I would like to blame the fact that I got sick and was running all over the place with my mom and aunt for wedding preparations but that would just be an excuse.  I slacked off and stopped pushing myself to complete my back challenge daily.  I actually did not complete the last 9 days of the challenge.  I will say that the renegade rows were really messing with my left elbow for some reason but still…I bailed at the end.  


I ended up running 26.8 miles in March.  I took some time to look over my monthly stats and this is actually one of my highest mileage months.  That sounds pathetic to me when I consider what some of the other runners whose blogs I follow do monthly but…this is my journey, not theirs!  I must remember that!  I’m not really setting a mileage goal for myself this month just because I know that things will be crazy busy leading up to May 3rd.  That’s right, people, I’m getting married in 31 days!!  I’ve marked off running days on my calendar for this month and it looks like I’m attempting to get a run in 15 days.  I don’t know how long or short or SLOW those runs will be but I’m gonna do my best!

I’ve also decided to try two more of Jodi Higgs 30 day strength challenges.  It’s cake right now but I keep having to remind myself how much the repetitions increase by the end of the month.  I might give myself that least week off but I’d love to finish both challenges.  I think that would do wonders for my arms/shoulders and abs.  Here are the 30 day challenges if anyone out there thinks they might want to give it a whirl!



I finished the I heart Faces photo/Instagram challenge last month as well.  It was pretty fun especially since I decided I would only take the pictures with my Iphone.  I think I got some pretty cool images out of it.  Here is my favorites:


Because I can’t sit still and must take pictures of everything I see, I’ve already joined another Instagram challenge for April.  This one is hosted by some of my favorite fitness bloggers and definitely has a fitness bent to it.  I’m super excited to see what creative pictures the prompts will inspire!  Here’s what’s on tap for that challenge:



April is going to be awesome.  It’s going to be busy and probably stressful at times.  But it’s going to be FUN!  


I’ve got cough due to cold :/

I feel like all my big talk about challenges and keeping myself motivated has flown out the window.  I’m sick.  It’s that cruddy, snotty, coughing, blowing your nose, low grade fever where you could get up and be productive but you’d rather just stay in bed mess.


The end of last week and this past weekend have been consumed with family visits and wedding nonsense.  My aunt and mother came to town to finalize some wedding/reception plans.  They go nonstop and ask so many questions, thinking about details I’ve never even considered.  It’s nice to have the help/insight but it is exhausting!!

After a weekend like that it’s no wonder my immune system is ganging up on me.  I’m a few days behind now on my back challenge and I’m hoping I’ll be able to get some miles in during the latter half of this week.  I’m enjoying the down time but feel like a lazy good-for-nothing too.


I’ve spent the majority of my time over the past 2 days either in bed, or on the couch.  Thank goodness for Harry Potter movies.  I’ve seen them enough time that if I slip into a Nyquil coma I’m not worried that I’m going to miss anything.

I’m still hanging in there with my daily photo challenge and just found a new photo challenge for April.  It’s fitness related and it will be interesting to see how people interpret the daily prompts.  I’ve taken some creative liberties with some of the prompts this month as well.  Like, yesterday’s prompt was “Out and About”.  Obviously I was shut in yesterday so I made my photo about the opposite…focusing on my comfy socks and how Jackson was my cuddle buddy all day long.

Once I kick this bug I need to get some pep in my step.  I need a race to sign up for or something.  Some long term goal I can aspire towards.  I’ll give y’all all the details once I get something set up.  I need to go on some more photo field trips too.  I love just driving to some random place and walking around shooting whatever catches my eye.

In the mean time, I think I’ll take some more cold drugs and see what Netflix has to offer.  Here’s a pretty perfect representation of how I feel at the moment.  Hope it makes you giggle!


Challenge Accepted

I have found that when I have a lot of free time on my hands and things are not as structured in my life as they could be I tend to lose motivation and just take each day as it comes.  Is this relaxing?  Yes.  Productive and motivating?  Not so much…

I’ve learned to push back against this carefree “la dee da” attitude by participating in various challenges.  You may be asking, ‘What kind of challenges do you mean?’  In this interactive age of constant social media updates there is no lacking of challenges for an individual to join to stimulate mind, body, and soul.  

Right now I am participating in 2 fitness challenges and one photography challenge.  Who would have guessed I would gravitate towards those things, right?  😛  As I am in the process of getting wedding dress ready I am completing a daily back challenge.  

Here it is (Courtesy of Jodi Higgs):


Last month I completed her 30 day arm challenge and I just found a 30 day oblique challenge.  Hello, April and bikini weather!  I’ve taped this calendar to our mantel and I cross off each day as it is completed.  It’s nice to look at that calendar at the end of the month and see a bunch of X’s indicating that a lot of work was done.  It’s pretty easy to modify these exercises, too, depending on fitness level.  Renegade Rows are evil and that’s all I have to say about that.

This month I’m also participating in a 30 Day Hustle sponsored by motivational speaker, blogger, author Jon Acuff.  He’s written some amazing books on switching careers, finding your passion in your day job, and just life in general.  The 30 Day Hustle is different for everyone who participates.  I’m not as active as other members of the group but it’s great to get online each day and see how we are all “Hustling.”  My individual goals for my hustle included starting this blog (yay!), running 2+ miles at LEAST 12 days this month, and participating in I Heart Faces March photography challenge.  

I Heart Faces is one of MANY blogs I follow.  One of their main goals through their webpage is to highlight photographers of all backgrounds and abilities.  They do this by posting numerous challenges throughout the year.  Anyone can participate and for this particular challenge I decided to create all of my photographs with my iphone.  It adds an extra element of interest to the pictures since I want each picture to look crisp and clean, with great detail and composition without the added post processing I would typically due with my DSLR.  Here are a sampling of the pictures I’ve used for the challenge this past week.  


Day 17-Something Green



Day 18-Shadows


Today-In my bag

I’m excited to see how these challenges play out the rest of this month.  In the mean time, I think I’ll look up some races to enter since there’s really nothing more motivating for a runner than to be timed and placed along side your peers.  Catch ya’ll later!