Packing and Tracking

Here I am…when I post this I will be less than 24 hours away from jetting across the county to southern California!  I’m busy packing and planning and figuring out what I absolutely do and don’t have to have with me.  I’m taking every piece of camera equipment I own.  I’m wondering how practical that is but I’d rather bring all of it and not use it then not bring something (like my flash diffuser or monopod) and miss a great photo op because I don’t have the right stuff!

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Oh, I almost forgot to tell y’all that my wonderful husband bought me the Eye-fi memory card.  I can now upload pictures directly from my DSLR to social media!  No more waiting until I get home to upload everything into Lightroom and then post it on Facebook.  Yay!  Be excited for me!!

One thing I’ve been trying to reconcile lately in anticipation of this trip is how to try and eat healthy when I’m going to be in a new place, with many food temptations.  I won’t have my normal schedule to keep me in balance.  I’ve been really good lately thanks to the ‘Lose It’ app.  If anyone hasn’t checked this app out yet I love it!  It’s very similar to My Fitness Pal but for me it’s much more user friendly.  It’s so easy to pick the correct portion sizes.  It also gives me the flexibility to enjoy treats every now and then.  Check out this amazing combo….only 250 calories…and sooooo worth it!

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I also use the Plant Nanny app to keep track of my hydration.  Even though the hubs laughs at this app and it’s silly sounds and funny looking plants, I love it.  I’ve never been more on top of my water intake!  It helps that I use this amazing water bottle with the ability to track the number of bottles I drink right on the cap.

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I’ve already made the decision to not worry about tracking while on vacation.  That said, it does not give me the right to eat whatever I want.  Free for all with the bar nuts!  But I’m not going to be so anal on tracking every morsel that goes into my mouth.

*I’m taking my bottle with me on the trip (empty through security, of course!)  I’ll still be doing my best to stay as hydrated as possible.

Am I worried about ballooning up on my trip?  Maybe a little…but not really.  My weight has been annoyingly stable lately, every now and then it drops a pound only to return the next day or so.  I’m cool with it though cuz I’m definitely noticing some extra room in my clothes! Scale be damned!!

The activities we have planned include a lot, A LOT of walking and moving.  While I probably won’t get a single run in while we’re gone, I have a feeling that my Fitbit will be hitting 10K steps each day!

I have more laundry to do, more lists to check off.  So, this is where I leave you!  If you want to keep track of my adventures in California you best follow me on Instagram-runningshutterbug!  I’m sure I will be posting daily!  This may be the last y’all hear from me on here until I get back.  I’m not very good and posting on the blog on the go!

Whelp, California, here I come!  Stay cool, Peeps!!  See you on the flip side!

Sharing is Caring :D

Right?  We learned this back in preschool.  One thing I’ve discovered after venturing further into the blogosphere is how many AWESOME blogs there are out there.  I’m sure there are a billion I’m missing too but I figured I needed to do my part and share some of the awesomeness I’ve found on the internet lately:

*Weight Off My Shoulders-Dani writes this blog from such an honest and kind perspective that I’ve already claimed her as my best blogger friend (even though I’m sure she doesn’t know my blog or I exist :P)  Anyway, her blog and social media channels are full of motivation, inspiration, and some accountability when you need it.  Dani runs with a charity team raising money for stroke awareness and throws these awesome virtual races to help with fundraising.  I’m running one next week.  I totally don’t mind paying $25 to run a 5k in my own neighborhood because the money goes to such a good cause.  Plus, I get a finisher’s medal!  This blog is one of my favorites and if I were to ever join Weight Watchers I would want Dani to be my leader!

*Brooke: Not On A Diet-You may have heard of Brooke.  Her blog was in the news recently.  She stood up for herself to a major magazine and it was amazing!  Brooke’s blog was one of the first fitness type blogs I started following.  Brooke seems like the sister I never had…meaning, we seem very similar; both dealing with a certain amount of anxiety regarding this thing called life.  Brooke seems to be much more adept to placing her insecurities out into cyperspace than I am.  I read her blog and I think, “She knows exactly how I feel/think/act/etc.”  Brooke is also pretty interactive with her followers by setting up challenges (like the Skinny Snowman) and the recent Diet Bet (which I will NOT be discussing at this time :P).  She loves spending time with her husband and they seem to have a ton of fun together!  I enjoy her fresh perspective on life, love, marriage, and those pesky weight issues.  

*I Heart Faces-this is not a fitness blog but a photography blog.  I found this blog through social media when I was searching for photo challenges not too long ago.  This blog focuses mostly on protrait photography and while landscapes are definitely more my thing, it’s fun to read the tutorials, debate equipment, and show off their beautiful studio spaces.  Not to mention the photographs!  From standard portrait style sessions to crazy concepts-this blog and all their guest photographers have the best imagination!  I haven’t entered many of I Heart Faces challenges just because I don’t have a ton of pictures with other people in them!  Maybe I’ll branch out…maybe.

I could go on and on if I mentioned every single blog I follow and love.  Here are a few more you should definitely check out though!

*Erica House-Health, Wellness, and Running (What more do you need!)

*Hungry Runner Girl-Janae runs crazy amounts of miles and eats tons of candy.  I heart her!

*Blonder Side of Life-Kelsey is a down-to-earth girl originally from Tennessee (love it!) who blogs about running, life, grad school, and shares some pretty kick-a** recipes!

On a final note I should say that Bloglovin is the most amazing website/app I’ve ever found.  I love getting up each morning and checking my feed.  You can follow all your favorites in one place.  What a wonderful, motivating way to start each day!  

I hope you check out these awesome blogs that have come to mean so much to me!

What are some of your favorite bloggers?  Why?  

Share them with me so I can follow more!!

A Changing Vision (Board)

I’m a very visual person.  One of the first things I did when I set up my home office was buy some cork squares to create my vision/motivation board.  I wasn’t sure what was going to fill my board when I first started it.  Was it going to be full of quotes to inspire?  Pictures of running shoes?  Pictures of my favorite things?  How about all of the above!

The great thing about my vision board is that it is always evolving.  In the beginning you see a couple race bibs and a nod to my alma mater

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This past spring it was full of pretty pictures, strong words, and a photo challenge!

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Currently these pictures are on the bench-they may return to the board…they may not 🙂           (all pictures are saved in a large envelope-the pack rat in my can’t trash anything that motivated me at some point!)

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a great reminder!
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In their place I’m currently loving these images:

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The beginning of my spoon collection-Nassau
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One of the cutesy signs from our wedding!
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A great pic and quote about going with the flow

It’s interesting that as summer progresses I’m drawn more towards images and pictures of the beach & ocean along with quotes reflecting my (still) newlywed giddiness.  I’ve moved away from more fitness driven images.  It makes sense.  I’m not running as much right now.  I’m more enjoying the outdoors with my husband and doggie without the stress of a rigid workout.  I’m willing to bet that as the weather cools down in the fall there will be more race paraphanelia gracing my board along with more fitness driven quotes.

**Although, my race bibs and medals will always have a place somewhere on the board!

I love my board.  It is a reflection of what is important to me now…in this moment.  It shows what goals and interests I’m pursuing.  It changes just as I grow and evolve.  It’s one of my favorite things in my home office.

Do you have a vision board?  What important things are included??

Baby, let’s cruise…

I know I’ve been a bit quiet on here but I have a really, really good excuse.  I did happen to get married on Saturday 😀  It was a wonderful, beautiful, amazing day and I’m sure I’ll share some more details in future posts…especially when I get the pictures back.  This is my favorite candid moment caught from the day so far…


Me with my bestie from high school and her little one!

But I just wanted to pop in and say hi and bye!  The new husband and I are going cruising to the Bahamas tomorrow through Sunday.  I’ve been on one cruise before but this will be his first.  I’m super excited after a whirlwind weekend of family, friends, and fun to just chill out and do nothing.  I’m not going to have to make any crazy decisions.  I can’t wait!!


When I come back, it’ll be back to a more normal work schedule and hopefully some cool new things happening on the fitness front.  This is going to be a good summer!  See y’all in a week!!

Anybody got any last minute cruise tips to share? 😉

Excuses are Easy


On my calendar, I have little orange and green circles around certain days.  The orange circles indicate that those are days I should be running.  The green circles indicate days I should be strength training.  Here we are halfway through April and I’m looking at my calendar for the 15th.  There are both a green AND orange circle gracing today’s date.  Have I run???  Nope.  Why not?  It’s raining out, I’m behind on my work for my part time gig, I have wedding details to finalize…and on and on.  Typing those excuses was as easy as when those thoughts first popped into my head today.  Confession:  I haven’t strength trained this entire month!!  I’ve kept up with my monthly shoulder and ab challenges but I have not busted my ass for a heart pounding circuit/boot camp session in April.  Le sigh…

What does this mean?  I could try and be eloquent and say it means that I’m human and life gets in the way.  But one thing I’ve learned over the past year or so is that excuses can be the death of a healthy lifestyle.  So…how do I combat those pesky excuses that invade my brain while I’m still comfy under the covers and sabotage my best fitness efforts?  First, you have to identify the problem(s).

Accountability-Sadly, this is one thing I’m currently lacking at the moment.  This goes back to a topic I’m probably going to explore more and more over the next couple of months…I need a workout buddy.  Or a group of people who are gonna get on my back for not doing what I need to be doing.  I’m still considering the marathon training group.  I also need to get over myself and start going to more group classes my gym offers.  They’re included in my monthly dues so why am I not taking advantage?  I’m a little scare…a little lazy…both, probably!

Lack of routine-Over the last few months a daily routine has not really existed for me.  I’m hoping that once the wedding is behind me and I’m in an office at least 3 days/week I can establish a set schedule when it comes to fitness.  Today, for example, I looked at that orange circle and mentally just moved it to tomorrow.  I can do that, and I’ll get my run in tomorrow.  But there’s something to be said for a routine and following through with your plan for the day.

I mentioned in a previous post that I was going to cut myself some slack this month due to the upcoming wedding.  What I’ve noticed though is that I’m giving myself more than slack.  I’m giving myself a way out of fitness at a time when I probably need it the most.  So…enough excuses!  Time for some accountability.  I’m gonna lean on you guys for a bit of that…you’re my witnesses!  I will run 3+ miles and get some time in on the rowing machine at my gym tomorrow.  If I don’t…come kick my butt!!


  • What are some of the excuses you’ve used before to skip/slack off on a workout?
  • How are you motivating yourself this month?