Suffering from Runner’s Block?

It’s been a while since I’ve ran.  To be more specific, I haven’t run a single mile since the last week of April, the week before my wedding.  And…the funny thing is…I’m not that upset 😛  I know that sounds kinda goofy but I’m not.

It’s not that I’ve completely neglected my fitness or have mutated into a couch potato.  We got back from our honeymoon a week ago and I started a 30 Day at Home Crossfit Challenge on Tuesday.  It does include a bit of running.  I gotta run 1 mile for time tomorrow.  1 mile!!  I think I’ll be able to swing that but I’m just having trouble finding the motivation to run my usual 3-4 runs/week.

Check out the Challenge-So far it’s been pretty awesome!!


Where is my running mojo?  I might have left it on the boat lol.  Am I looking for it?  Yeah…I guess.  If I don’t find it right away, I’m not going to stress too much.  We’ve got a couple weekends full of travel coming up.  I don’t have any races (even virtual ones) on my schedule so there’s nothing really pushing me to get out and hit the pavement.


I may or may not be suffering from several of these!!

So, what’s a girl to do?

For one, I’m not going to push myself.  I’m going to continue to participate in my Crossfit Challenge but if I don’t want to run, I’m not going to make myself.

Secondly, I’m going to find a race I’m really excited about.  Maybe even another color run!  I know they’re not timed or anything but maybe just a fun, crazy jaunt with a couple other thousand people throwing colored powder at each other is what I need!

Third, I’m attending a free marathon training meeting at the end of this month.  It’s put on by a local running group and I’m really interested in seeing what this group is all about.  I’m seriously thinking about joining a group and think that running with others will motivate me to pursue some longer distance races!!


I’ll keep you guys posted on what happens at the meeting.  I hope my running mojo makes it’s way back to me.  In the mean time, maybe I’ll check out some new classes at my gym.  I’ll find some other ways to crosstrain.  But most of all, I’m gonna relax and not worry about it.  I’m sure I’ll find my way back.  Just another path along my fitness journey.