About Crazy Lil’ Me

Welcome to the Musings of a Running Shutterbug.  My name is Anna and I’ll be your guide.

As you may have guessed, I have two main passions in life:  Running (I’m VERY MUCH a beginner but love the feeling of the wind in my hair) and Photography (I’ll shoot pretty much anything lol).  You will be inundated with my pictures on this blog from time to time, many of them of my dog…fair warning!  What else do I do with my free time?  I read…a lot…the same books…over and over again too.  I’m weird 😛

I’m a newlywed so now that im not busy with wedding plans, what am I doing with all that free time?  Going back to work for one.  I’ve got a part time office manager gig with a local business.  It’s the first steady work I’ve had in almost 7 months.  Trying to get used to these 9-5 days again…it’s tough lol.  Now that the wedding is over, the fiance has transformed into Mr. E or Hubby, the Hubz (cuz we’re cool like that!)  He’ll still be making periodic appearances on the blog.  He is not the most athletically inclined person but I trick him into getting “fitness” every now and then by going on a LONG walk with the puppy!  He will deny it’s exercise but he’s just silly!!  He’s a super laid back dude that has my back no matter what!

As far as the fitness side of my life goes I feel like I take one step forward, two steps back.  I’m hoping that this time the habits stick!  Bridal Boot Camp for the win!!

So, lately, I’ve been getting into this running thing.  Not far, not fast, but fairly consistent.  I’ve run a few 5K’s, a couple kick a$$ theme races, and am looking to increase my distances ASAP!  I’m exploring more and more aspects of running and am thinking of joining a running group.  Scary!  But, hopefully FUN!

Another fairly new development I am excited to share with the blogosphere is my improved skills in the kitchen.  I’m learning that this fitness thing has a big connection with the whole food thing.  It’s pretty awesome to take a bunch of random ingredients and create a healthy, wholesome meal from SCRATCH!  Mr. E has been very appreciative of this aspect of the new, healthier me.

When I’m not being uber healthy (slight exaggeration lol), you can probably find me with camera in my hand.  I’ve owned my first DSLR for almost 2 years now and this thing is my baby.  While I’m not sure where my love for photography will take me, I enjoy taking pictures of day to day life, my awesome dog, and the beautiful area I live in.

My interests are vast and varied.  I can’t wait to share them with you all…and hopefully have you share some with me too!  Books to read, recipes to try, etc.!  This is my life and ain’t it sweet!

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