A Changing Vision (Board)

I’m a very visual person.  One of the first things I did when I set up my home office was buy some cork squares to create my vision/motivation board.  I wasn’t sure what was going to fill my board when I first started it.  Was it going to be full of quotes to inspire?  Pictures of running shoes?  Pictures of my favorite things?  How about all of the above!

The great thing about my vision board is that it is always evolving.  In the beginning you see a couple race bibs and a nod to my alma mater

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This past spring it was full of pretty pictures, strong words, and a photo challenge!

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Currently these pictures are on the bench-they may return to the board…they may not 🙂           (all pictures are saved in a large envelope-the pack rat in my can’t trash anything that motivated me at some point!)

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a great reminder!
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In their place I’m currently loving these images:

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The beginning of my spoon collection-Nassau
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One of the cutesy signs from our wedding!
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A great pic and quote about going with the flow

It’s interesting that as summer progresses I’m drawn more towards images and pictures of the beach & ocean along with quotes reflecting my (still) newlywed giddiness.  I’ve moved away from more fitness driven images.  It makes sense.  I’m not running as much right now.  I’m more enjoying the outdoors with my husband and doggie without the stress of a rigid workout.  I’m willing to bet that as the weather cools down in the fall there will be more race paraphanelia gracing my board along with more fitness driven quotes.

**Although, my race bibs and medals will always have a place somewhere on the board!

I love my board.  It is a reflection of what is important to me now…in this moment.  It shows what goals and interests I’m pursuing.  It changes just as I grow and evolve.  It’s one of my favorite things in my home office.

Do you have a vision board?  What important things are included??

Running Shutterbug’s 1st Face Lift

I feel like upgrading or making changes to the look of my blog is like buying a new outfit or getting a new haircut and hoping your significant other notices!  Anyway, just a few tweaks today.

I’ve got some good stuff to share with y’all.  I just have to get my butt to sit still long enough to type it!

Let me know what you think of the new layout.  I think it might have to grow on me…ha!

I’ll be back soon!  Have a fantabulous weekend, peeps!!