7 miles…


Mile 1:  Ok…I can do this.  It’s just a 10K plus a little more.  No problem!  Let’s not get crazy though…we got a long way to go! (11:27)

Mile 2:  This is easy!  My breathing is in check, my legs feel great.  I’ve got this! (11:00)

Mile 3:  Check this out!  I just took my first walk break.  If I keep this up I might beat my 10K pace! (11:22)

Mile 4:  Maybe an out and back wasn’t the best idea…I’ve seen all this stuff before. (11:27)

Mile 5:  Not so easy anymore.  Where is that easy pace I was feeling just a few miles ago?  I gotta get that back! (11:54)

MIle 6:  Walking is so much easier than running.  Running is stupid!  I should just stop my Garmin right now.  I’ll never make it to 7 miles… (13:20)

Mile 7:  You’re going to finish this…no matter what!  Just run as hard as you can for as far as you can.  Walk if you must…but you are going to FINISH!! (11:27)

I did it…I finished my longest run to date.  7 miles was daunting for me to run on my own without the motivation of a race.  I knew it would just be me out there with my thoughts.  I totally get how running is such a mental game!  You can tell by my mileage splits where I completely thought about giving up.

After it was all said and done, a sweet friend on Instagram reminded me that I ran half of a half marathon (or a quarter marathon depending on how you look at it).  That’s nothing to sneeze at.

 2015-01-19 10.42.50

I guess half marathon training is officially underway.  It’s such a confidence boost to know I can run these long distances months ago I would have thought impossible.  Running is the best!!


Creature of Habit

Here we are…a few weeks into 2015.  How’s everyone doing out there?  I’m doing pretty darn good!  So far, my fitness plan has been going well and I’m getting into a really good routine with my workouts.

I’m the type of person that before the week begins, I want to know what’s on the horizon.  I plan out my menu for the week Sunday morning before the Hubs and I hit the grocery store.  I anticipate what tasks will be my primary focus each day of the upcoming work week.  And while I am much more flexible than I used to be (just ask my parents!) I still like having everything in order before I jump into a new week.

This thing is my brain most days!
This thing is my brain most days!

The same goes for my fitness.  I don’t typically plan workouts more than 7-10 days out (otherwise I get overwhelmed and convince myself I’ll never be able to accomplish it all) and then reassess at the end of that planned period, looking at what worked, what didn’t work, and what changes can be made.

Here’s a glimpse into what is working so far.  I’m planning on 4 running workouts per week.  Those workouts typically look like this:

1-treadmill run after work, 2.5-3 miles

2-treadmill run after work, 2.5-3 miles

3-outdoor run on Friday mornings, typically in my neighborhood although I’m looking to try out some new routes near the house.  I would have to drive a bit but my neighborhood route is not doing it for me lately 😦

after this morning's run
after this morning’s run

4-long run on Sunday mornings, typically on the American Tobacco Trail.  If you follow me on Instagram (and you should!) you’ve seen my pics of this awesome running path.  It’s wide enough for runners, walkers, and bikers, but most of the time I feel like I’m out there on my own.  I love it!

So peaceful...
So peaceful…

I’ve also been trying to get in 2 strength/crosstraining workouts on 2 weekdays I’m not at the gym on the ‘mill.  This past week was a big fail for that but I have a good excuse.  I got the crud from my hubby and was in bed with a fever most of Monday and all day Tuesday.  I’m on the mend and have some fun strength workouts on tap for this coming week.

This was me...blah!
This was me…blah!

Saturday is pretty much always my rest day.  I’ve never liked doing my long run on Saturdays since I just ran the day before.  Saturday is usually the day I’m bumming around town (or the house) with Hubby and a day we get projects done.

I’m happy with how my schedule is working out so far.  I’ve already racked up 27 miles towards my goal of 40 for the month.  I’m pretty sure I’ll hit it.  Then this sweet piece of bling will be mine!


I’ve been able to tweak my schedule a bit this week due to my illness.  I still got both treadmill runs and my neighborhood run in this week but that meant running 3 days in a row.  I know people streak many more days in a row than that but 3 is about the limit my knees can take.  Plus, it’s supposed to rain on Sunday (long run day) but since Monday is a holiday I will run then.  2 rest days in a row seems just what my poor knees need 😛

I’m attempting to run 7 miles on Monday.  This will be the longest run I’ve ever completed.  I’m certain I can do it.  Pace might be a bit slower than my treadmill sessions but that’s ok.  I’ve got to start building up that mileage for that little half marathon I want to finish in the fall.


Have a great weekend full of running, fun, and family!  I’ll let y’all know how that 7 miler goes.  Wish me luck!

That Time I Ran a Trail Race

I signed up for the Hot Chocolate 5K & SPCA Doggie Dash in lieu of the Commitment Day 5K for a few reasons:

1) It was on January 4th so I wouldn’t have to wake up early (or at all) on New Year’s Day morning.  This turned out to be a fantastic idea as I imbibed a bit too much on New Year’s Eve 😉

2) Instead of just a crummy race shirt (I have enough of those!) I would get an awesome hot chocolate mug instead!

3) The SPCA is one of my favorite organizations!  We got our precious Jackson from there.  I love any organization that supports puppies needing to be rescued.

Late last week I was thinking I had made a wrong decision!  Weather channel was calling for rain on race day with 20 mph wind gusts!  I’m all about being badass with my running but on my first run of the year I was hoping for something a little more easy-going.

Luckily, the weather gods shined down on us and the morning of race day dawned partly cloudy, breezy and mild.  Temperature at race time was going to be in the upper 60’s w/100% humidity!!  What?!?  I was not looking forward to the humidty…I knew this race was going to be a sweaty mess.

2015-01-04 12.49.31

Before the race started, the director made an announcement saying that due to all the recent rain parts of the trail were covered in wet leaves and there was a lot of mud on the course.  Now, up until this point I was thinking that the race was going to take place on paved greenways, not muddy trails.  Shows how much I paid attention to the course map/description beforehand!

Anyway, I swallowed my apprehension and took off across the starting field.  Within the first 5 minutes I had found at least half a dozen mud puddles and my shoes were soaked.  Dodging runners (many with dogs by the way) and tree roots and trying to keep my footing on the wet leaves.  The course did cross over onto greenways every now and then but we spent the majority of the time on the trails.

Great shot by the race photog...Hi there!
Great shot by the race photog…Hi there!

I felt like I was keeping a pretty good pace.  I wasn’t taking very many walk breaks and I was passing people!  Yay, me!!  Then…at the beginning of Mile 3, there it was.  A hill.  Not just any hill, but an ugly, steep hill covered in wet leaves and wooden beams meant as steps that were even more slippery!  The good news is that after that hill we ran across the top of the trail and then it was all downhill until the finish line.

2015-01-05 21.10.12
Digging deep towards the finish!

I crossed the finish and was so preoccupied with getting the timing chip cut off my laces, I forgot to stop my Garmin and RunKeeper until a minute later!

I think the course was short.  When I finally remembered to stop all of my devices I was still in the finish line area and my distance was clocking in at 3.00 miles.  Boo!!  They did have to move the start area early Race Day morning due to the rain on the course.  My official time (even on a short course) was 33:02.  I’m super impressed with this time considering the conditions on the race course.  I think my speed workouts on the treadmill are really helping!

I made my way into the after race party to pick up my hot chocolate mug and fill it up with hot chocolate.  Now, I’d just finished running 3 miles in 70 degree weather and high humidity.  I was sweating like a pig and hot chocolate didn’t really sound super appetizing but it WAS the Hot Chocolate 5K.  I had to fill up my mug!

2015-01-04 10.56.38

2015-01-04 10.53.06
First race of the year…DONE!

I’m not sure if I’ll run this race again next year.  Trail running is definitely not what I’m used to.  I was super scared I was gonna trip over a tree root and dislocate my knee or twist my ankle.  I think I’ll stick to the greenways and roads for now.  I do have to say I felt pretty bad ass making my way through all that mud though.  The race director said it was a badge of honor.  I’m also super glad I decided to wear my old running shoes instead of the new ones I just got for Christmas.  Best decision ever!

Muddy shoes=badass runner!
Muddy shoes=badass runner!

I spent last night working on the rest of my race schedule for the year and it’s looking pretty good so far.  Next race will be the Krispy Kreme Challenge and this year my brother is going to run it too.  He’s WAY faster than me and he’s going for the true challenge-running 2.5 miles, eating 12 doughnuts, and running 2.5 miles to the finish.  I wish him the best of luck 😛

Have a great first full week of 2015, everyone!  I hope you don’t have to wait insane amounts of time to use the treadmills at the gym.  We just gotta make it though the next 3 weeks and the Resolutioners will be gone!!