Today has been a day…

I was so excited to run after work today (even if it was on the treadmill) but unforseen circumstances prompted me leaving work late and having to do a home circuit in the living room instead!

Oh well…such is life…

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The Blerch was judging me! I had to work out somehow!

Since tomorrow’s my day off I’m getting a decent run in first thing…before anything else in my day gets in the way!

Speaking of running…I was commenting on a friend’s run and how awesome her pace was when she dropped this little bit of knowledge on me.  She’s been strength training and weight lifting pretty regularly and she attributes her quickness to this.

It got me thinking…I definitely don’t do enough strenghth exercises.  And I need to!  Check out all the reasons women should strength train!  30 Reasons Women Should Strength Train

And while I still haven’t attended Body Pump at my gym, I need to find other ways to get my lift on.  I’m a huge fan of body weight exercises.  I’m also a huge fan of Pinterest.  So here are my new strength training exercises.

(I’m a big nerd and actually print these things out and tape them to my living room walls)

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Passion Life Love Health


Running Canadian Girl